Hi there thank you for popping in past.
I will be adding posts on my photography as I complete an assignment or feel I can share something of use to other budding photofolks.
I hope you enjoy.

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Alistair & Nicola pre wedding shoot

Hello again folks, thats the snow here and my 42 year old feet are cold again.   Just prior to the white stuff arriving I managed to get this pre wedding shoot  sorted with Nichola and Alistair who are getting married at the the end of December 2010. They are a nice down to earth couple.
Infact I have been lucky in that all my wedding couples have been like this. Shows my philosophy  stands up. Choose the your photographer on the following two points,
1  Like their images and
2 Feel comfortable together, both equally important.

Alistair also enjoys a winters night out in a bothy, Good man, I don't get the impression that Nichola is so keen but she is happy to fly down a mountain on twa bits of fence post strapped to her feet, ski's i think they are called..... (see below for a winter bothy)

These are a few of my prized bothy photos. a story behind each one that I will get round to in a different post.

Anyhow, we had a brew at the Norwood House Hotel where their reception will be then out where the leaves were clinging on to life to get a few pics.
Again the value of this is that they both had a laugh and we will all be that bit more comfortable on the day.
Here are some of the pics hope you enjoy and do get in touch with comments

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