Hi there thank you for popping in past.
I will be adding posts on my photography as I complete an assignment or feel I can share something of use to other budding photofolks.
I hope you enjoy.

Tuesday, 8 March 2011

Luke and Jess's Wedding at Balmoral

Hello again folks, I am writing now on reflection of one of my favourite weddings of the past year. At this point I love all the weddings I have done because I do insist that any couple who have hired me have made sure that they are comfortable with me first of all therefore my ideology must be working.  Like the photography and know your photographer.......
In this case everything was done by email as they are both from Australia but we did this regularly and developed a relationship, one which was above client and photographer, one which is very important so as you know you dont have an extra worry on your big day. We achieved this and both Luke, Jess and myself are all really happy with the results.

"Hi Paul,

Thanks so much for everything - we are back in Australia now and were so thrilled to see the CD of the pics were waiting for us! They are so brilliant and we are so happy with how the pics turned out. You did a fabulous job.

Jess and Luke

The wedding preparation took place at the Inver hotel and then on to the beautiful Balmoral Estate, the weather was perfect although they were a bit cold (it was only -1) 
We all had a great time and once again I felt a good job was done.