Hi there thank you for popping in past.
I will be adding posts on my photography as I complete an assignment or feel I can share something of use to other budding photofolks.
I hope you enjoy.

Thursday, 12 August 2010

My first ever post

Hi There, This is it I have entered the world of blogging... ahhh! The Fear.
I will keep it brief as I will end up waffling away and you will fall asleep.
Where to start..... My name is Paul I am a photographer based in Aberdeen, Scotland. I specialize in, well taking photgraphs of Weddings and landscapes around Scotland.  I love to shoot both equally but for different reasons.
Landscape photography for me is exciting in the planning, pulling out a map and working out the angles of the sun (not in too much depth) then working out where to camp for the night. When I get there I set down the tent make a brew and begin to search for my composition. In the morning and with luck CLICK i get my Image.
Its hard graft sometimes, especially when its -10 but Its so focused that all the worries of the world just don't exist. I got more serious about my work when I met Joe Cornish  http://www.joecornish.com/ (standing in a blizzard) we spent a few days out and about in the Deeside area and he taught me so much.

Weddings, the exact opposite of Landscape photography, you got to be mad or love the pressure.
I love these days , not that im a huge romantic but more for the diversity of opportunity and lighting situations that you MUST overcome and quickly. ITS A CHALLENGE..You know your alive when you are doing a wedding shoot.
I also love people and having a laugh with everyone, life is just to complex and although Im working at wedding I am subtly socializing and this works well for me as I mostly get a shot and thats what Im paid for AND I have a blast too, like a guest.  Then home for the real work POSTPRODUCTION ..................
Anyway I will add some images as I learn how to use this stuff.
Thanks for your time


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